Multiple Teeth

What are the benefits of an implant supported fixed bridge?

In this example Dr. Ernest Cholakis reviews how three missing teeth can be easily replaced. Here we have in the back of the mouth a fixed three tooth bridge that is supported by two dental implants. Traditional this tooth loss was restored with dentures that couldn’t offer the same stability or function.

Can you imagine what this means? Dental implants are like having bionic teeth. They offer unparalleled strength and stability. They also allow you to eat whatever you want. Dental implants very importantly preserve your jawbone and facial appearance.


This procedure as performed by Winnipeg Dentist, Dr. Ernest Cholakis normally includes just a few appointments. He generally advises patients that they should expect to be able to work the day after having the dental implant placed.

This course of treatment described here in the video below,
is one of several options made available by Dr. Ernest Cholakis.